Saturday, March 12, 2011

The End of Summer

Or at least the end of my first summer this year. I don't think I'll ever get tired of saying that, but whether people will get bored of hearing it is another question. Be that as it may, Summer number 1 of 2011 is officialy over. I started school the thursday before last and I really should have posted about it before this, but I've been exhausted. If there's one thing that I like about my school in the US, it's that it ends at 2:15. In the ETP I have classes from 8am to 5:15 every day except Wednesday when I get out at one. I actually get out earlier this year than in the San Agustin but it's because we eat lunch at school. Now that's something I'm used to, but they do it way differntly here in Chile. My and most of my classmates' moms send us big lunches of pasta or meat and rice that we heat up in the microwaves. We also have insulated lunch-boxes and apparently they don't label you as a dork here, either that or I haven't picked up on it yet if it does.
I think I mentioned before that I'm studying metalurgy this year but I had no idea what I was getting into. When we wrote our schedule down on the first day of school, I had no idea what almost half of my classes were! I'm getting it figured out now but I don't think metalurgy is something I'm going to pursue when I get back to the US. I do happen to really like my class though. There are 44 of us and I still haven't learned everyone's names, but I'm working on it. I'm pretty sure I'll manage it by the time I leave.
This first day of school was really different from my first day of school in the colegio San Agustin, and I don't think the difference has so much to do with the school as with myself. I understand the language this time around which is incredibly helpful. Being able to cumminicate iss never a bad thing when trying to mske friends, but I think more than that, I've become a lot more outgoing. To be honest, I'm still shy, but meeting and talking to new people is so much easier now than it was before I left the US. The first day we made out lab groups and the teacher had us "present" ourselves in front of the class and she asked me somme questions that I was able to answer witout hardly even getting nervous. Then she asked me why I chose to come to Chile and that I couldn't answer because I'm still not sure I know. The only reason I can come up with is kind of stupid and not sommething I want to share with my class when I first meet them. Despite that, things are going pretty well. I'm making friends and talking to a lot of people and we have our school's anniversary coming up in a couple of weeks which should be a good wy to meet people.