Friday, November 12, 2010


I've been too exhausted this past week to update my blog. This may have something to do with the fact that I didn't go to sleep until 6:30 last saturday. The funny thing is, before coming here, I always thought 6:30 was pretty early to go to bed, but it turns out it can be pretty late too, at least when you're talking about A.M. The reason I stayed up so late was for my host-mom's mom's birthday party. She turned fifty and my host-mom threw her a vegas themed casino party. All last weekend we were making appetizers for the party with everything from canapes to sushi. It was a lot of work but it was also really interesting to see what goes into throwing a party. The party itself was a lot of fun though. I played some blackjack and even danced a bit of cumbia. Apparently that is not one of my many talents. I had to keep looking down at my feet to keep from completely losing the rhythm. It was fun though. Did I mention that the weekend before last my host siter threw a Halloween party? It was fun, I ended up inviting a few people and we hung out and danced a bit. I dressed up as a devil but it was really a lst-minute costume. Literaly. I think halloween is pretty much just another excuse to party here. Most things are. But hmm, what else has been going on? On tuesday I went to the pool with my class in educaciĆ³n fisica and it was a lot of fun. We swam and hang out. It's getting close to the end of school now and everyone's getting in a summery mood, but there are also christmas decorations in the stores. It's relly weird. Other than that I've pretty much just been hanging out. Today I went to the centro with Sara, a finnish girl here with rotary and we window shopped and talked about Chile. It was really fun and I discovered that apparently everyone goes to the centro on Friday afternoons. I guess there really aren't that many other places to go. I also happened to mail my first letter since I've been here. It was just a simple one page letter but I had to go to a bookstore to buy the envelope then to the post-office where I waited in line for ten minutes and then it took the lady at the counter ten minutes to fill out the paperwork for selling me three stamps. I almost suffocated in bureaucracy. I still love Chile though.


  1. This makes me feel old!!! I think the stamp buying sounds pretty funny.

  2. This sounds like France to me :-)
