Sunday, June 20, 2010

T - 6weeks

The title of this blog probably clued you in, but I will be travelling to Chile this summer for the 2010-2011 school year. I sent in my application to AFS (the exchange organization I'm going with) sometime last fall, and I received confirmation that I would be going to Chile sometime in March, but at this point, I'm still waiting to find out exactly where I'll be staying. I've been checking my email -- there's no other word for it -- obsessively, since my pre-departure orientation two weeks ago, but still no host family. With a little over a month until I leave (no exact date yet, but it should be sometime in the end of July) this isn't exactly abnormal, but it's been driving me crazy all the same! Chile ranges from almost Antarctica in the south, to one of the driest deserts in the world in the north and I could end up anywhere! Not to mention, I'm absolutely dying to know what my host-family will be like and to get in touch with them! At this point though, there doesn't seem to be much else to do but wait and get accustomed to the idea of spending a year in a foreign country without my family, but I've more or less been been getting myself used to the idea all year.

On a closing note, I would like to thank my scholarship sponsor who generously contributed to the price of my AFS experience through AFS's Global Leaders scholarship program. I am incredibly excited for my year in Chile and I cannot wait for the next few weeks to fly by so that my Chilean adventure can begin!

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