Saturday, July 10, 2010


After waiting impatiently for my host-family placement, I finally got it at the end of June. My host-family lives in Copiapo, Chile, a city in the Atacama desert! Maybe I'll finally have a chance to dry out after three years of living in Upstate New York. But back to my family: I haven't gotten their application yet, so there are still a lot of blanks, but I have been e-mailing with my host-mom. She seems really nice, and last I heard, she was preparing my room! It seems like every piece of information I get makes this seem more real. Speaking of information, I recently got my flight info and my orientation starts in Miami on the 28th. I'm incredibly excited to meet some of the other people going to Chile, and we'll have a ton of time to get to know each-other on the nine hour flight to Santiago that gets in the morning of the 30th. On the other hand, maybe I'll actually end up sleeping since it's overnight. After my Santiago orientation, I'll be traveling 600 some miles north where I'll be met by the coordinator of AFS in Copiapo since my host family will be on vacation in Canada until the 2nd of August. This also gives me a chance to recover from my 10 to 15 hour bus trip. So far besides e-mailing with my host-mom, I've also talked briefly with my two host siblings on Facebook. I'm really excited about having host-siblings despite the fact that we won't be going to the same school as me. I will be attending the Colegio de San Augustin de Atacama, which, from what I hear, is a bit further from our house than the school my host brother and sister go to. I'm excepting more information about my host-family soon, but in the mean time, I'm going to NYC to get my visa on the 14th, and I'm starting to compile a packing list because yes, I need a full 17 days to pack.

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